29th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

24. 10.–2. 11. 2025
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FORGIVE? A podcast about how to live with hard realities that cannot be changed.

Three years after her successful documentary debut Sádlo (Lard, Radio Wave), Ridina Ahmedová returns with this new podcast series called Forgive? (mujRozhlas, Czech Radio Plus). She tells five deeply personal stories about difficult life challenges, different forms of forgiveness and coming to terms with what can no longer be changed. The podcast was created by the same team as Sádlo. Ridina Ahmedová co-created the music with Jaroslav Pokorný, who also took care of the sound design and mixing of the series. The project was led by Veronika Ruppert as dramaturge and creative producer. The podcast Forgive? was named a New Discovery in the Podcast of the Year competition, is nominated for the Prix Bohemia Radio prize and is shortlisted for the prestigious international Prix Europa award. Come and hear how the series was created, what reactions it has provoked and Ridina Ahmedová's approach to audio-documentaries.

Presented by: Veronika Ruppert, Ridina Ahmedová

mujRozhlas/ Czech Radio Plus



Karlovo náměstí 285/19
120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic

e-mail: info@ji-hlava.cz

Festival partners

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas


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Days until the festival