Visitor Accreditation and tickets to the 28th Ji.hlava IDFF

➤ To purchase Industry and Industry Student accreditation, please continue here
➤ To request Press accreditation, please continue here
The expansion will follow up on last year's change to the online booking system, which brought back a more relaxed feel to Ji.hlava. We hope its extension will have a similar effect. We look forward to seeing you there!
Which accreditation to choose?
Autumn price (from October 1 and on site)
- Six-day Ji.hlava – 1st half / CZK 1500 (Oct 25–30, 2024)
- Ji.hlava onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online
- Six-day Ji.hlava – 2nd half / CZK 1400 (Oct 29–Nov 3, 2024)
- Ji.hlava onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online
- Ten-day Ji.hlava / CZK 1600 (Oct 25–Nov 3, 2024)
- Ji.hlava onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online
- Ji.hlava Accessible*
- senior / free (includes: Ji.hlava Onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online)
- person with disability / free (includes: Ji.hlava Onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online)
- accompaniment of a person with a disability / free (includes: Ji.hlava Onsite + Inspiration Forum)
- Discounted price**
- student up to 26 years of age / 200 CZK discount from full price of accreditation (includes: Ji.hlava onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online)
- Ji.hlava Vibes
- visitors up to 19 years of age / CZK 700 (includes: Ji.hlava Onsite + Inspiration Forum + Ji.hlava Online + special Vibes programme)
- Ji.hlava for Kids
- children up to 15 years of age accompanied by their parents / free (includes: Ji.hlava for Kids programme)
- to approve the accreditation it is also necessary to provide the child's date of birth and the parent's phone number
- with a child's accreditation it is also possible to make reservations for all other festival programmes, including film screenings
Ji.hlava Online (on sale from November 3)
- Exclusive 14-day access to the Ji.hlava Online video library / CZK 500
(selection of films from the festival program, geoblocked for viewing only in the Czech Republic)
You can pay more for an accreditation and support our activities. Or you can become part of our Patrons Club. We greatly appreciate your support. Thank you!
You can get accredited through your profile on the Visitor Page profile. If you don't have an account in our database yet, please fill in basic identification information and create a password. Registration will make it easier for you to communicate with Ji.hlava IDFF and you will be able to use your account in the following years. After completing the basic registration you will be able to access the ACCREDITATION form. You can see the terms and conditions for purchasing accreditations here. ACCREDITATION FORM.
Accreditation serves as a full ticket to the physical part of the festival (film screenings, debates, offscreen programme), including the Inspiration Forum programme. The physical festival will be followed by Ji.hlava Online, which will give you online access to a selection of this year's festival programme. The online films are subject to geoblocking – they will be available only in the Czech Republic.
Tickets for single film screenings
A single ticket for a specific film screening or Inspiration Forum event will be available only at the Infopoint counter on Masaryk Square for CZK 190. The ticket can only be purchased for the day. The ticket is also a reservation and guarantees access to the programme, which must be attended no later than 5 minutes before the start. This ticket is not valid for Catch-Up screening.
Catch-Up screening
Catch-Up screening are selected film screenings for which it will not be possible to make a reservation through the reservation system. You will only be able to use tickets from discounted packages for these screenings. A package of 3 tickets will be available for purchase at our Info Point for 380 CZK. You can use this ticket for any screening marked in the program as Catch-Up screening. It will not be available for other screenings. The ticket does not guarantee a seat in the hall. The regular ticket (worth 190 CZK) will not be valid for these screenings. Entrance to the hall will be granted both on the basis of a ticket from the package and with a valid accreditation, until the capacity of the hall is reached.
Tickets for the offscreen program
Tickets for the selected offscreen programme – theatre performances and tent concerts – can be purchased directly from the venues before the start of the performance. Tickets for the VR programme can only be purchased at the Infopoint counter at Masaryk Square.
with / without accreditation
- concerts – Music tent: CZK 0 / 150 (valid for the whole evening)
- Night Beats DKO: free
- theatre performance in tent: CZK 0 / 150
- theatre performance Vosto5: CZK 100 / 250
- VR Zone: CZK 0 / 150
- Game Zone: free
- exhibitions: free
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* You will be issued with accreditation on the spot upon presentation of a valid document (disabled persons' card, document with age for seniors*over 65) at the accreditation desk. Do not forget to take this document with you. The Visitor – ZTP accompaniment accreditation can only be collected together with the Visitor - ZTP accreditation at the accreditation desk. We would like to remind you that you can only visit the festival programme in the presence of an accompanied person with a Visitor - ZTP accreditation.
** We will issue you a discounted accreditation on the basis of a valid document (student ID, original confirmation of studies or ISIC card for students up to 26 years of age). Please remember to take this document with you, you may be asked to present it.
In case of cancellation of the event by the organizer, you will receive a full refund. Failure to attend the physical or online version of the festival is considered a cancellation. In other cases, please be informed that we do not refund the money paid for the accreditation.