28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

ji-hlavadok-revuecdfEmerging producersInspiration Forum

Industry & Industry Student

● To purchase Visitor accreditation, please continue here
● To request Press accreditation, please continue here

Industry Accreditation
(for film professionals)

● until September 30, 2024: CZK 1.500 (approx. 60 EUR) / accreditation
● after September 30, 2024: CZK 2.900 (approx. 120 EUR) / accreditation

The Industry Accreditation gives you access to:

JI.HLAVA NEW VISIONS 2024 and other open industry programme
JI.HLAVA NEW VISIONS 2024 FORUM & MARKET online interface
● All festival screenings
● Access to video library
– available throughout the festival and for an additional 14 days
MATCHMAKING ACCELERATOR – one to one meetings with film professionals attending the festival
● Listing in the online version of the INDUSTRY GUIDE 2024
INSPIRATION FORUM programme, presentations and discussions
● Conference on Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking programme
● Daily Industry drinks


Industry Student Accreditation
(for students of Czech and Slovak film schools)

● until September 30, 2024: CZK 750 (approx. 30 EUR) / accreditation
● after September 30, 2024: CZK 1.800 (approx. 75 EUR) / accreditation

Industry Student accreditation is available to university students under 26, inclusive, majoring in filmmaking or film theory. The pass will be issued upon the presentation of a student card or student status confirmation (ISIC, student card and the like).

The Industry Student Accreditation gives you access to:

JI.HLAVA NEW VISIONS 2024 and other open industry programme
● All festival screenings
● Access to online Ji.hlava
– active two weeks following the physical festival (subject to geo-blocking / Czech territory only)
● INSPIRATION FORUM programme, presentations and discussions
Conference on Ethics in Documentary Filmmaking programme

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas