Memory of Nations
Presentation of the films produced for the Memory of Nations.
"It's easy to forget. That's why we record and share testimonies that mustn't fade away."
- Memory of Nations

Between The Ditches And Ramparts
There is no place on our territory so closely linked to the Holocaust as Terezín. Our pilgrim wanders its streets and meets locals who would prefer to forget the grim history of their town, after all, it was "only four years". But even though the former ghetto is barely remembered, the effort to forget is not yet bringing the town back to life. So why has Terezín become a ghost town? And to what extent does its bleak present mirror our approach to Jewish suffering as such?
director: Viktor Portel
original title: Mezi příkopy a valy
country: Czech Republic
year: 2024
running time: 38 min.

Buď laska
Buď laska means please in Ukrainian and Ukraine is asking us for help. Over a thousand kilometers and 4 armored ambulances that the Czechs relied on during the first months of the war. What is it like to be in a country where war is the order of the day? What personal stories are hidden under the "anonymous mass of green uniform" of the army? And why does it make sense to help?
director: Amálie Kovářová
original title: Buď laska
country: Czech Republic
year: 2024
running time: 27 min.