28th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

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We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State

"Although for decades it has been traditionally said that Slovak film was made in the atmosphere of the rebellion, it was a fabrication and an attempt to rewrite history. In reality, it was made under a totalitarian war regime, subject to the chauvinist policies of the government and overseen by the Propaganda Bureau." Petra Hanáková, film historian and curator, is the co-author of a retrospective of Slovak documentaries made in 1939-1945.

film database


Artificial Fibres

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1943 / 14 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Disappearing Romance

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1942 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
For Freedom

For Freedom

Paľo Bielik
Czechoslovakia / 1945 / 17 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

For the Health of a Worker

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1942 / 9 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

From the Tatras to the Sea of Azov

Ivan Július Kovačevič
Slovakia / 1942 / 63 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

In the HM-GIL Camp

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1942 / 4 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Library of the Slovak University

Eugen Mateička
Slovakia / 1943 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Life Grows on Ruins....

Ján Kadár
Czechoslovakia / 1945 / 19 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
May We Live in Peace

May We Live in Peace

Viktor Kubal
Czechoslovakia / 1946 / 14 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Nástup 154/1941

Nástup 154/1941

Slovakia / 1941 / 5 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Nástup 229/1943

Nástup 229/1943

Slovakia / 1943 / 5 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Nástup 295 A/1944

Nástup 295 A/1944

Slovakia / 1944 / 12 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Nástup No. 191/1942

Nástup No. 191/1942

Slovakia / 1942 / 12 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
On the Locomotive

On the Locomotive

Eugen Mateička
Slovakia / 1942 / 6 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Our Daily Bread

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1943 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Permanent Lights

Permanent Lights

Ivan Július Kovačevič
Slovakia / 1940 / 21 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Summer under the Kriváň Mountain

Eugen Mateička
Slovakia / 1943 / 16 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
The Mysterious Old Man

The Mysterious Old Man

Viktor Kubal
Slovakia / 1944 / 4 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

There Once Was...

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1942 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
They Are Personally Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity!

They Are Personally Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity!

Ján Kadár
Czechoslovakia / 1946 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
They Are Personally Responsible for Treason of the National Uprising!

They Are Personally Responsible for Treason of the National Uprising!

Ján Kadár
Czechoslovakia / 1948 / 8 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

Travertine – the Slovak Marble

Paľo Bielik
Slovakia / 1942 / 8 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere

We Produce Glycerin

Eugen Mateička
Slovakia / 1943 / 7 min.
section: We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State
Czech Premiere
Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas