29th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

24. 10.–2. 11. 2025
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Pavel Klusák: Women's Work

Pavel Klusák: Women's Work

120 min.


How did female celebrities establish themselves in the masculine world of the global music industry? Which female songwriters and singers brought about a defining change, shifted the paradigm and straightened the view of apparent minorities? Which songs about love between two women can you call to mind? Guided clips and film excerpts in a lecture about female punks, hitmakers and outsiders who made it big. Examples include Patti Smith, Yoko Ono, Grace Jones, Arca or Marta Kubišová. The programme is a continuation of Klusák's series for Czech Radio this year.


Pavel Klusák has been writing about music and broadcasting it on radio since 1989. He is the author of the books Inside the Banana, Gott. Czechoslovak Story and the latest Suchý & Šlitr. Semafor 1959–1969. He directed the film Music by Zdeněk Liška. For radio, he created the series Cobain, Women's Work and many others. Since 2014, he has been the dramaturge of the music programme at Ji.hlava IDFF.

Film at festival

festival edition:2024
section:Siren Test


original title:Pavel Klusák: Ženská práce
running time:120 min.


Festival partners

Ministerstvo kultury
Fond kinematografie
Město Jihlava
Kraj Vysočina
Creative Europe Media
Česká televize
Český rozhlas


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Days until the festival