This time-lapse film follows five years in the life of Afrin, an orphaned girl who lives with her foster parents on an island in the Brahmaputra River. For the past few years, the area has been plagued by heavy rains, and devastating floods caused by climate change have taken the homes and lives of its inhabitants. Survivors are moving to the cities, leaving behind a devastated wilderness. Through her pride and courage, Afrin also manages to make it to civilization, where she tries to find a better life and her missing father. The visually captivating shots of the waterlogged landscape and the story of a girl who doesn't want to be a victim of circumstance speak volumes about the current conflict between humanity and nature.
“The Brahmaputra tells new stories over and over again.”
Angelos Rallis (1979) has a background in Film, Anthropology and Photography. He started his career in theatre and as a director for the Greek TV ERT. His early work as a photojournalist has been published in newspapers, press agencies and NGOs around the world. His visual and artistic approach, in the mode of observational style, resides somewhere between contemplative cinema, theatre and creative documentary with fictional aesthetics.
more about film
director: | Angelos Rallis |
producer: | Maria Del Mar Rodriguez, Angelos Rallis |
co-producer: | Philippe Gompel, Birgit Kemner |
David Piperni /
Film at festival
premiere type: | Czech Premiere |
festival edition: | 2023 |
section: | Ji.hlava Online, Testimonies |
awards: | Nejlepší svědectví |
language: | Bengali |
subtitles: | English |
colour: | Colour |
director: | Angelos Rallis |
original title: | MIGHTY AFRIN: in the time of floods |
country: | France, Greece |
year: | 2023 |
running time: | 91 min. |