Her Plot of Blue Sky
Kamila Kuc / United Kingdom, Morocco / 2023 / European Premiere / 22 min.
Residents of a retirement home in a Moroccan town film the world around them. For them, the camera is like a seagull in a blue sky, a promise of freedom and purification. It gives image and sound to their invisible lives. The poet and human rights activist Rachida Madani lends them a voice, washing away past traumas and offering hope for change.“I see the moving image as a portal to ourselves and our shared experience as we inhabit different moments of collective presence.”
Source: Kamila Kuc's website
Kamila Kuc is a Polish filmmaker living in London, where she studied art and film history and psychotherapy. Her work combines experimental film, psychology and sociology. She deals with intergenerational traumas and environmental issues. She debuted with What We Shared (2021).more about film
director: | Kamila Kuc |
producer: | Kamila Kuc |
Film at festival
premiere type: | European Premiere |
festival edition: | 2023 |
section: | Ji.hlava Online, Short Joy |
language: | English, Arabic |
subtitles: | English |
colour: | Colour and B&W |
director: | Kamila Kuc |
original title: | Her Plot of Blue Sky |
country: | United Kingdom, Morocco |
year: | 2023 |
running time: | 22 min. |