We Produce Glycerin
Eugen Mateička / Slovakia / 1943 / Czech Premiere / 7 min.
An industrial film about a Slovak patent - the production of glycerine from sugar beet, with the young František Zvarik in an insightful lead role.The film conveys to the public a fresh Slovak patent: the production of glycerine from sugar beet in the glycerine factory in Leopoldov. However, this is no ordinary “industrial film”: what is new, apart from the modernity of the invention, is its “sexy” dimension. The whole process is accompanied, and introduced, by an attractive young man - a fresh acquisition of the Slovak National Theatre, the operetta actor František Zvarík. The production film thereby becomes - and not for the first time in the portfolio of Nástup - a star vehicle.
Eugen Mateíčka (1914–1996)When the production department of Nástup was established in 1941, the former radio operator, Mateíčka, was one of its first acquisitions. He made less than a dozen films at Nástup. Although after the war he worked briefly as a film correspondent (head of the Film Chronicle), and as a documentary filmmaker on agricultural subjects, he was later weaned off of film, and rededicated himself to editorial work.
more about film
director: | Eugen Mateička |
Marián Hausner / SFÚMarian.Hausner@sfu.sk
Film at festival
premiere type: | Czech Premiere |
festival edition: | 2024 |
section: | We Have Our Film! Images of the Slovak State |
director: | Eugen Mateička |
original title: | Vyrábame glycerín |
country: | Slovakia |
year: | 1943 |
running time: | 7 min. |