The documentary adaptation of the novel by the well-known Flemish writer Louis Paul Boon is conceived as a polyphony consisting of voiceovers of three characters inhabiting a common apartment. A man, a woman and their maid, the latter of whom is many years younger than them, take turns using their inner voices in expressing reflections on their own and each other's lives.“The poetics of the source novel take on new power as this highly original approach brings literature to life, while the apparent randomness of overlapping texts and recurring motifs makes for a very particular and unexpected filmmaking experience.”
Source: Diagonale
Hans Broich (1991) is a filmmaker and independent producer. He has been involved in the development and production of films since his studies at the Vienna Film Academy, mainly through his production company Superzoom Film. During the 2021/2022 season, he was in charge of the film programme shown at the Volksbühne theatre in Berlin.more about film
director: | Hans Broich |
cast: | Charlotte Brandhorst, Josefin Fischer, Maximillian Brauer |
producer: | Hans Broich |
photography: | Sarah May Handler |
editing: | Felix Leitner |
sound: | Lea Sorgo |
sound design: | Felix Leitner |
Superzoom Film / Hans Broich / Güntzelstraße 19, Berlin, Germany / h.broich@superzoom-film.deFilm at festival
premiere type: | International Premiere |
festival edition: | 2023 |
section: | Ji.hlava Online, First Lights |
language: | German |
subtitles: | English |
colour: | Colour |