Stan Brakhage's debut film tells the story of the surge, pacification, and outflow of desire awakened by an accidental encounter between two beings temporarily frozen in time — a man and a woman — who stand below an arcade of viaducts as one car after another speeds by above them. The sensual piano accompaniment was complemented by Brakhage's roommate and future composer, James Tenney.
Stan Brakhage (1933–2003) was a prominent, American experimental filmmaker, educator, and author of several books. Throughout his prolific filmography, you'll find strong intimate films, exhilarating social documentaries, and purely abstract cinematic works; four-minute and four-hour works; and films shot with or without a camera.
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Film at festival
premiere type: | Czech Premiere |
festival edition: | 2022 |
section: | Fascinations: Progress |
language: | No Dialogue |
subtitles: | No Subtitle |
colour: | Colour |
director: | Stan Brakhage |
original title: | Interim |
country: | United States |
year: | 1952 |
running time: | 25 min. |