Mark Soosaar / Estonia / 1983 / Czech Premiere / 11 min.
The gap between the human microcosm and the macro view of universal time is depicted in an associative montage using rhythm and tempo as a significant element. Against a backdrop of ebbing and flowing in nature, a human anthill frantically teems, pulsing with the cycles of waking and sleeping, birth and death, sunrise and sunset.
Estonian director, screenwriter, and cinematographer Mark Soosaar (1946) focuses on the relationship between film, anthropology, and historical and subjective time. In ten documentaries, he captures, for example, time-lapse images of the residents of the island of Kihnu, from which he comes.
more about film
director: | Mark Soosaar |
producer: | Janika Freidkes |
script: | Mark Soosaar |
photography: | Mark Soosaar |
sound: | Enn Säde |
ESTONIAN FILM INSTITUTE / Johannes Lõhmus / Uus 3 / 10111 / Tallinn / Estonia / +372 627 60 60 / Johannes@filmi.ee / www.filmi.ee
Film at festival
premiere type: | Czech Premiere |
festival edition: | 2018 |
section: | Conference Fascinations: Baltic states |
format: | Video File |
colour: | Colour |
director: | Mark Soosaar |
original title: | Aeg |
country: | Estonia |
year: | 1983 |
running time: | 11 min. |